Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And The Fun Continues

Sorry about the lack of posts, I guess I've just been too busy having fun! The past few weekends have been packed with excitement.
For the July 4th weekend I flew home to be with my family. It was such a blast- boating, Carrie Underwood, Salt Lake Temple with my mom. Unfortunately the only picture I managed to snap was this glamor pose in front of the temple. It was a short trip, but well worth it.

The following weekend I met up with my friend Joe from BYU who's been in Pittsburgh for an internship. We went to Hershey Park. It reminded me a little of Lagoon, only with better roller coasters. I haven't been on a roller coaster for a few years and I've been dying to go.

This past weekend the YSAs took a bus down to Washington D.C. I decided I absolutely love that city. There is so many cool things to see there and it's full of buildings that look like this:

As much as I love New York, I must say that if I had to move to a big city I'd probably choose D.C.
Considering it was only a day trip I got to see most of the things I had hoped: the National Archives (with the original Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution), The National Museum of American History (which has to be one of my favorite museums- they have an awesome Lincoln display) and of coarse, the Monuments and memorials. It was a very HOT and exhausting day, but well worth it!

Being in D.C. made me really grateful for the amazing history of our country and all the people who have given so much for freedom and the great life I enjoy.