Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So I wouldn't say I'm the artistic type, but I'm actually pretty pleased with how this mug I painted turned out. I've been to Color-Me-Mine several times before and always have had the problem of my piece not turning out quite the way I envisioned it in my mind. This time, to avoid that disappointment, I didn't envision the finished product at all and just kind of went with it. I should do that more often. In fact, maybe that's a good philosophy in life. I mean, how often does anyone's life turn out the way they envision?
You have to pardon my photography skills. The inside and bottom of the mug are the coolest part, and also the most difficult to capture.


  1. wow! pretty inpressive angela! that looks really great.

  2. I hope your life, like this mug, turns out even better than you envision!

  3. OK--that was NOT from Marshall--sorry!
    Love, Mom

  4. Well color me impressed! Get it? Haha! I'm a nerd. But, that mug IS pretty awesome!

  5. haha wow- i thought that comment WAS from Marshall and I was shocked.Angela your mug is a work of beauty :)

  6. I love it! It looks great. You should DEFINITELY come visit!! It'd be SO much fun!

  7. I'm IM-pressed! Very pretty.
